Air Quality Management
Some industrial activities, such as foundries and galvanising, require an atmospheric emissions licence in terms of the Air Quality Act, nd municipal by-laws may also need to be complied with – for example preparing a Fugitive Emissions Management Plan.
Then there are also regulations relating to Greenhouse Gases. We offer, among other things, the following air quality consulting services:
Turnkey Solution
We can project manage all of your air quality management needs through a network of reputable specialists:
Stack and Ambient Emissions Monitoring
Emissions Dispersion Modelling
Occupational Hygiene Monitoring
Atmospheric Emissions Licences:
Application and on-going management of a licence can be time-consuming. You may require independent, professional input. We offer:
- ALicence applications, renewals and amendments – we are well-versed with the online application system (SAAELIP)
- ASection 22A rectification applications
- APublic participation and stakeholder forums
- AAnnual licence audits
- AAnnual online emissions reporting (NAEIS); and
- AResolution of non-compliance with conditions of a licence
We have experience with managing licences for a broad range of industries from mineral drying plants to animal by-products plants.
Greenhouse gas reporting and pollution prevention plans.
Some key emitting industries, such as steel producers, cement producers and large boiler houses, are required to report their Greenhouse Gas Emissions annually. And some of these industries are required to submit Pollution Prevention Plans on a five-yearly basis. Contact us and we can assist you to register and report.
Book a consultation to learn how we can assist your business.
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The Environmental Practice is well-versed in these requirements. Contact us to find out how we can assist you to comply.
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