DFFE Waste Exclusion Applications approved and for comment


Written by EnviroPrac

July 1, 2024

Dear Colleagues

Please see here for your information (https://enviroprac.co.za/documents/ ), waste exclusion applications approved by the DFFE in June; and exclusion applications published by DFFE for public comment.

It is interesting to see the range of industrial and agri wastes which are suitable for re-use; as well as the range of beneficial re-uses being considered.

Owing to the strain on landfill airspace, waste disposal costs can be high. Excluding a facility’s waste from the definition of waste, is aimed at diversion of waste from landfill. This can be more cost effective for the generator, with less red tape.

An exclusion is issued with well-defined, associated management measures and acceptable re-uses, so that the environmental risks of handling and re-using the waste can be minimised.

We at Enviroprac are heartened by government’s moves towards facilitating business to find solutions that enhance environmental sustainability, as well as supporting an innovative circular economy.


Boiler coal ash, Western Cape

Ash Bricks
If your facility generates a waste stream that is quite costly to dispose of, or for which you are having difficulty sourcing an end-user with the appropriate Waste Management Licence in place, you may want to consider applying to have your waste excluded from the definition of waste. Please do contact us if you would like more detail on the exclusion application process.
Please feel free to contact us directly for more information and visit our website and LinkedIn pages:

Website | LinkedIn

Colleen McCreadie | 021 788 9323 | 083 695 1664 | colleen@enviroprac.co.za or
Lauren Elston | 021 788 9323 | 071 992 2341 | lauren@enviroprac.co.za

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